Workshop idea – Nature and humans photography

humans and nature

This activity can be used for reflection and discussion on the fact of how much humans interfere in nature. The participants will create their own photos of nature but there will be one or two objects which only pretend to be natural, and will be made by the participants using either garbage or any other materials. Continue reading

Youth Exchange – Day 1 and 2


The youth exchange has finally started and we are very excited about sharing news from the middle of the national park. On Monday, 9 November, the participants travelled to Brno from different parts of Europe – Spain, Portugal, the UK, Albania and the Czech Republic.  For some the travel was short but for others not really – for example, the participants from Albania started travelling already on Sunday morning because they came by car.


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Endangered Animals | Street art by Louis Masai

Louis Masai

Louis Masai is a British artist. He creates street art to raise awareness of endangered species and biodiversity.

His work is eye-catching. It’s beautiful and bright in a grey city. People stop to look and then they stop to think. Watch the video below to learn more.

Macaws Louis Masai

Bees Louis Masai